Alibaba is a company that changed how online purchases worked. Soon after the incredible success of this site, we saw the rise of AliExpress. AliExpress is currently one of the most popular and trusted places to buy things from China and get it shipped to different parts of the world.
It does not matter if you are from Africa or America, AliExpress will find a way to get that brand-new Xiaomi phone or exclusive metal construction shipped to you. That having said, buying things from AliExpress has its own perks and problems. So, you have to follow some safety tips before, during and after the order.
In this article, we have listed some things you should remember while purchasing from AliExpress.
#1 Read As Much Details
You should be clear about what you are purchasing from AliExpress. The best way to do this is to check the product details on the website. In most cases, the description would contain more information that’s obvious to the eye. If you are concerned about detailed specifications or compatibility of the specific product, you’d want to keep reading the description as much as you can. This is a great way to avoid disputes in the future as well.
#2 Choose the Right Seller
There are thousands of sellers working via AliExpress and you have to choose the right one. Thankfully, the platform itself provides you a number of ways to filter out the options. For instance, you can pick one of the Top-Rated Sellers if you need the maximum quality and the best service. Similarly, you have to keep an eye on Feedback Score and Positive Feedback. These will help you understand how the seller’s performance was for the recent past period.
#3 Communicate First, Buy Second
If you have some doubts regarding the product, the shipping process or something else, you should have a talk with the seller. Depending on the seller you have chosen, it may take some time, but the effort will be a really good thing. This way, you would not waste your money by getting an unwanted product and making disputes all the way. Fortunately, there is a way on AliExpress to keep talking with the seller even before you place the order. Once again, Top-Rated Sellers are great when it comes to this communication as well.
#4 Go for Premium Shipping Whenever Possible
AliExpress has a few sellers that offer free shipping to products. Also, when the product is highly-priced, you may get the free shipping offer as well. However, in both cases, we don’t recommend going for the free-of-cost shipping option. Instead, you should choose premium shipping that is fast, reliable and may even offer some additional protection for the goods you are importing. The amount you are paying is like an insurance for whatever you have purchased.
#5 Use Your Sense Regarding Price
You should use some sense when it comes to convincing yourself about really low prices. There is an extent to which a genuine seller can reduce the price of the product. That is, if you see a product worth $1000 for just $10, there is something seriously wrong. Just because you are importing from China does not mean that you are getting the products for almost free prices. So, you should develop your own sense to tell apart the real deals and the scam-based ones. And of course, make sure that you stay away from scammers.
#6 Make Use of Disputes
AliExpress understands that there are issues regarding shipping delivery all the time. That is why they have devised a system named Disputes. The user will be able to raise a few disputes regarding an order. However, only a single dispute is available for a single order and it must be used in the right manner. For instance, do not waste your dispute chance when the seller is delaying the shipping. What happens in most cases is that the seller may indeed ship the product in sometime later and your dispute chance would be gone in vain. In that case, even if something goes wrong with the product, you cannot do anything. That is why you should be pretty careful while raising a dispute with the seller.
#7 Think about Customs and Duties
Every country has its own rules for customs and duties and you should know yours before making a purchase from AliExpress. What happens in most cases is that the lower-priced products would not be affected. That is not the case with the expensive items though. In the worst-case scenario, you may have to spend a lot of amount so that the amount you thought you had saved will be negligible. So, make sure you calculate the potential duties and customs charges before purchasing something.
#8 Don’t Confirm Until You’re Sure
Let’s first admit the fact that there are so many bad products available on AliExpress and you may not know all of them in the first place. so, it’s likely that you may end up with a faulty product and you would know it only after the delivery. At this point, however, make sure you use the power of Confirm Receipt. We suggest that you keep using the ordered products for potential troubles and faultiness before you confirm the receipt of the product. If something is wrong with the product, this will help you get a refund, replacement or even something better.
#10 Seller Guarantees
You can find AliExpress products with different types of seller guarantees and you have to choose the right one for your needs. All things actually depend on the type of product you are using. For instance, if you are purchasing a really expensive product like an iPhone, you should go for nothing less than the Guaranteed Genuine tag. This means that the product is completely genuine. What’s better? AliExpress would arrange a refund if the product turns out to be a fake. That’s something so confident to begin with, if you ask us.
The Bottom Line
These are some things you should pay attention while shopping from AliExpress. However, we cannot forget the fact that AliExpress is improving every day and transparency is one of its top priorities. So, in the future, you will be able to purchase things from AliExpress from all these worries. Even today, you can purchase all things, but make sure you note down the abovementioned points.
I use to purchase from Aliexpress long back but now there are many websites like banggood, gearbeast that do same with similar pricing and surety of your order getting delivered.
Thanks Maike for your comment. I hope you like our article.
Interesting Post. Even if the sellers are not fraud, the products get damaged in the shipping and customs. It’s the only thing to consider. if we do, we don’t feel any safety issues on Aliexpress.
Customs and Duties are most tedious. They usually defeat the purpose of international ordering. Although,with the mid-range products, we can ask the seller to write a custom “Gift Letter” to let customs guys know that the ordered item is a GIFT item. So, we can avoid the customs duty in some cases.
Thanks for the Tips Mate. Love from Colorado.
You are welcome Robert.
Is International Shipping from Aliexpress Safe for PC peripherals? Thinking to order the GTX 1070Ti at cheaper price. What say?
Yes it is safe.
Hey Tushar,
What to do if the seller does not offer premium shipping? Like I want to buy something which doesn’t come with the Premium Shipping option.
Thanks for these tips.
on my first purchase from Aliexpress, I messed up. That’s because I ignore seller warranty and received the faulty product.
Thanks again. Will take care of these tips from now on.
Yes order with care. Best wishes Victor.
Thanks for these tips. Much appreciated
You are welcome Joseph.
How to claim warranties? Like seller provided me the Warranty on screen damages. Do i have to send the device to China for claiming the warranty? Please elaborate.
You need to ask them before ordering it. Because it varies seller to seller.
Ordered Samsung Galaxy Note 9. Had to pay Hefty Customs in the USA. Please check fo customs and charges as the author said.
Eye opening article. Thanks for these tips.
Thanks for your reply Jennifer.
Really useful article. Thanks.
Thanks Gary. Stay tunned
Is similar sites like Banggood, Gearbest safe to order from?
Yes, I have ordered from Banggood and Gearbeast they are safe. Follow the same guidelines as Aliexpress.