The answer is simple, while an ordinary laptop is for performing everyday tasks and working with standard levels of graphics such as those needed to surf the Internet, use PowerPoint, among others. A good gaming laptop is equipped with a processor dedicated exclusively to graphics, a GPU. This processor allows showing clear high-quality images and with the fluidity you need when playing.
We understand that the purchase of a gaming laptop can be a difficult task since in the market we can find a great variety of brands and models. To make the right decision, and buy a good gaming laptop you need to consider some essential features:
This is a fundamental point to determine if a gaming laptop is good or not. Nowadays, games are getting better and better, with outstanding graphics, and to play them in high-quality they require a lot of laptop’s resources. That’s why a good gaming laptop must be up to the demand of the most demanding games. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the processor is current, of high-quality and can provide an optimal performance. It must be at least a last generation i5 or a ryzen 5 3600.
Graphics card
Besides, having an excellent processor, it is necessary to have an excellent graphics card. This is a key factor to play as the graphics card determines the FPS you will be able to play. Hence, its importance. Maybe in games that are not so demanding you do not notice much difference when playing with a normal graphics card and a good graphics card. However, to enjoy your favorite games with the graphics at their best and with more than 120 FPS, you need to have an excellent graphics card. If it is an NVIDIA model a good option is the GTX-1060, but if it’s an AMD the series 8000 it’s a great choice.
Memory RAM
It plays a key role in the performance of a gaming laptop. Nowadays, most games require at least 8 GB. However, if your budget allows you to go for a model with 16 GB, it would be an excellent option.
Considering that it is for gaming, it is necessary that the screen is pleasant for it. It should have a good resolution since the last thing that we want is to have a screen of low quality or that it has problems with the colors. Undoubtedly, this is important and can be decisive when playing. Regarding the size, it depends on the tastes of each one. The minimum recommended for gaming is 15.6 inches. It is an average size that allows to have a clear vision in any game.
There are two storage options, the typical HDD and the SSD. To play comfortably and without any problem to load the games we recommend an SSD. An SSD provides a fast operation, but it should be noted that an HDD can also work well. An alternative is to go for a combination of an HDD and an SSD. Install the operating system and all games on the SSD, so its performance will be faster, and not to run out of capacity you can store the rest of the files and programs on the HDD.
Get a gaming laptop that you can afford without having to spend more than your means. There are minimum specs and requirements you’ll have to look out for to determine whether a laptop is suitable for gaming. While there are laptops advertised for gaming, there are also ordinary laptops that meet the requirements to support games. Gaming laptops don’t come cheap. If they’re over your budget, you may want to consider getting a refurbished laptop. IT professionals have restored these units, so the laptops reach or exceed manufacturer standards. This means that the refurbished laptops work just as efficiently as their brand-new counterparts. If you’re specifically going to use the computer for gaming, just scour the market for a refurbished laptop that meets at least the minimum requirements for gaming then you can modify it when you have more funds.
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