Are you looking for the best Pokemon team for SoulSilver and HeartGold? We know it is confusing for many to build a team to advance in the game. We are here to help you choose the members.

Released in 2009, as the remakes of 1999 games Pokemon Gold and Silver, HeartGold and SoulSilver went on to become two of the most-sold games in history. In this article, you will find the best combination of Pokemons.
Best Pokemon Team for SoulSilver and HeartGold
When it comes to building a team that lasts, you need to select a starter, create a good defence for it, and then fill all six slots with utmost care. The list we are going to share will help you with the selection.
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We select Crobat as the next member of our best HeartGold team. As the name indicates, it’s a flying-type Pokemon. Fearow is another alternative if you are dubious about Crobat.
Flying and poison are going to help you in the gameplay when you select Crobat. Having 130 base speed, it’s one of the fastest Pokemons in the whole game. How do you get a Crobat? Well, you have to trap Zubat in a dark cave. At level 21, it will be transformed into Golbat, and then, with high friendship, into Crobat.
Don’t know how to have a high friendship? You should give Crobat the soothe bell. Always place it in front of the parties and just run around. Friendship will increase without you racking your brain.
The attack stat is at 90. However, it can learn attacking methods like Ariel, brave bird, cross poison, ariel ace, and bite. As you have already guessed, it can fly. So, it’s the trump-card skill of Crobat.
You can buy ariel ace at Jhoto Battle Frontier. It’s quite surprising to see that you never miss with ariel ace. After defeating Bugby, the azalea town gym leader, you get U-turn, a move you should use to switch out Crobat after attacking a Pokemon.

You have to choose the starter Cyndaquil to get Typhlosion. As the first member of the best SoulSilver team, we are nominating this one. You can’t get Cyndaquil to transform into Typhlosion at once.
It will first change into Quilava at level 14, and then into Typhlosion at level 36. This Pokemon has awesome move sets. Talking about the stats, it has 109 base Spl. attack, 100 base speed. With 78 Hp, 75 defence, and 85 special defence, it can also take hits well.
You have to prefer special attacks to physical attacks. The stats are impressive for attacks too. The special attacks involve fire blast, flame thrower, solar beam, lava plume, focus blast, and earthquake.
Typhlosion gets a flame thrower by the time it reaches level 42. With 100% accuracy, 90 base power, and 15 base PP, this move has a 10% chance of burning. If you don’t want this move, you can also go with a lava plume. Though the Pokemon learns this move at level 35, it has 10% less power than the flame thrower.
You can teach your Pokemon earthquake through TM26 Earthquake. By going through TM22, you can get a solar beam with 120 base power. To defend ground-type Pokemons, you should use focus blast.

Dragonite should be a member of your best Pokemon team because it can always dominate in a fight. The skillsets include a Draco meteor, outrage, thunderbolt, thunder, flamethrower, ice beam, and earthquake. The base attack stat is 134.
How do you get a Dragonite? Well, you must buy a Dratini Goldenrod Game centre for 2100C. At level 30, Dratini will transform into Dragonair and at level 50, you will see it change into Dragonite. We know it’s not easy buying a Dratini. Trust us, it’s going to be an awesome investment.
We have already given you the base attack stat. When it comes to the special attack, it has 100. You have to separately buy two of its moves. Once it has all the moves, Dragonite will become an invincible Pokemon.
Outrage is a move you can teach Dragonite. With a base power of 120, this move can eliminate many enemies. Flamethrower has a 100% accuracy and a 10% chance of burning. You can use it against ice-type Pokemons.
Thunderbolt is one of the most used moves. It is effective against flying and water types. You need to buy this move from Goldenrod Game Center for 10,000C. With 90% power and 100% accuracy, thunderbolt has a 10% chance of paralyzing.

You must include Lapras in Pokemon SoulSilver best team. We are choosing it as a water-type Pokemon. Yeah, the speed stats are not up to the mark. However, its impressive defence stats will cover the flaws of having a low speed. The moves it can access include surf, waterfall, psychic, thunderbolt, thunder, ice beam, dragon pulse, and iron tail.
How do you get access to Lapras? You should go to the south part of the Union cave and use surf. It may feel difficult to get Lapras. In the long run, you will thank yourself for having Lapras.
Both the attack and special attack stats are 85. Though they are not the best, they will help you do the job well. Surf is a move you must use often with this Pokemon. After defeating the Grunt, you will get HM03 Surf by talking to the Old man in Ecruteak Dance Theater.
Provided that you hit first, the waterfall is another move that can make your enemy flinch. In a fight with a dragon or grass-type Pokemon, you should use an ice beam. Moreover, there is thunder, dragon pulse or psychic moves.

You can’t ignore Heracross when you set out to choose the best team for HeartGold. It gives you good coverage against fighting or bug-type Pokemon. Fights in Jhoto and Kento, this Pokemon can show its value with the base attack stat of 125.
The speed stat is 95. You can also defend without being suppressed. The attack stat is high, as you just saw it. Owing to the very low special attack stat (40), we recommend you don’t spend time teaching it special skills. The physical moves include megahorn, brick break, ariel ace, close combat, giga impact, take down, earthquake, and stone edge.
At level 37, Heracross can learn Close Combat. Of course, it has a base power of 120. However, each time you use Close Combat, the special defence capability will go down. If you don’t want that to happen, opt for a brick break. You will get this move at level 19.
Megahorn can make a hole in the competitor. You can start using this move from level 55. Against psychic and ghost-type Pokemons, we recommend you choose night slash. Heracross can learn this skill with the help of the Heart Scale at Blackthorn City.

The next member of our best Pokemon team for SoulSilver and HeartGold is Espeon. It is a psychic-type Pokemon. When you talk to Bill in Goldenrod City at level 5, you get an Eevee. By increasing the friendship in the daytime, you can transform it into Espeon.
We have already given you a few tips to increase friendship. Give the Pokemon a soothe bell, place it in front of the party, and just run around. You will see a high friendship within no time.
Eevee is good at special attacks. So, it’s important that you teach Espeon special skills. Psybeam is a good skill, but it will be available from level 25. Before reaching that level, you can use Confuse (available from level 15). Make sure you transform Eevee into Espeon before the 15th level.
To combat ghost-type Pokemon, you can get shadow ball. This Pokemon can learn it by defeating the fourth gym leader, Morry. To increase the longevity of Espeon, you must use the morning sun.
Psychic is another special skill. However, you can only use it from level 64. Meaning, you will have to defeat enemies without this skill for a long time. The PP stat is only five for this skill. Hence, you can use it for power.
Frequently Asked Questions
Each Pokemon has a different set of skills. So, it’s hard to pick one. The best team probably is Crobat, Typhlosion, Lapras, Dragonite, Heracross, and Espeon.
It all comes down to personal opinions. Many say that SoulSilver and HeartGold are harder than Silver and Gold. Some of the gym levels have gone up. For some, Clair and the Elite Four seem difficult.
At the patch of grass on Route 47, there’s a wild Pokemon. As a side gain, you can compete at Pokeathelon and get one rare candy.
Yes, Tauros is one of the best attacking Pokemon in SoulSilver. It features impressive speed, good special attacking skills, and awesome coverage.
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So yeah, you have got the best Pokemon team for both SoulSilver and HeartGold. We are not saying you can’t win unless you miss getting one from our list of six. You are free to replace anything with your own choice. Use your brain to have a balanced team with amazing offensive and defensive skills.
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