If your website doesn’t have a video gallery abundant with top-quality content, you aren’t doing it right. These days video is the primary format in which people consume information. And if you look at statistics, you’ll see it’s only growing more popular. Therefore, any website that wants to be noticed needs video. This means you need a way to place videos on your pages in an attractive and SEO-efficient manner. Hence, a video gallery, and WordPress is a platform that can easily accommodate it with a use of a simple plugin.
The Value of Video Content or Why Everyone Needs a Video Gallery
Quite possibly, video content is the most important tool in digital marketing these days. At least 6 out of 10 people would prefer to watch videos online over traditional TV. But more importantly, it’s estimated that by 2022 over 82% of all consumer internet traffic will be spent watching videos online. And those predictions were made before the pandemic struck and the level of video content consumption has skyrocketed.
That said, video is not only valuable because a person is likely to choose it over other types of content to get information. You also need to remember that a video is going to make much more of an impact on the viewer. Therefore, if you run a business that deals in sales or relies on people coming back to your website, you must make videos.
Personal blogs must have some clips dedicated to their main themes. E-commerce websites must have product videos, which increase the chance of conversion by 144%. Corporate websites must offer videos that showcase the products, offices, and “behind the scenes” of corporate life.
All in all, any type of website should feature some video content to both attract and retain visitors. However, you also need to remember that it’s not enough to post a couple of short clips on a few pages. Your video content strategy must be consistent, so it’s essential to develop a video gallery. It’s necessary to present the clips in a way that’s visually attractive. It’s also a tool that will help you optimize video format and size.
Create a Video Gallery on a WordPress Website with a Plugin
WordPress is a platform designed specifically to make it easy to use. One doesn’t need to know coding to add anything to their WP website. Therefore, the only thing you’ll need to do is to pick which of the best WordPress video gallery plugins to use. Plugins are the solutions that can transform your website into anything you want. But they do more than simply make adding new components easy.
Another reason to use a plugin is that they will help you optimize the video for SEO. This means that they will help you ensure that your website is as fast as possible without compromising the quality of the video. Considering the importance of speed for SEO and your website’s overall success, it’s imperative to use every opportunity to boost your pages. Video content is one of the “heaviest” things you’ll have to deal with. Therefore, you should always aim to optimize it when you are using other tricks to increase page loading speed.
The process of using any WordPress plugin is simple and straightforward. You simply need to download and install it. Then, you follow the instructions from the software to create the type of gallery you want.
If you’ve never done this before, you can use the basic step-by-step guide for how to install a WordPress plugin. Next, you activate the plugin using whatever code you got when you bought it. There are free plugins as well, but they are very limited.
Please note that some video gallery plugins are actually more versatile image processing solutions. Creating video galleries might be an extra feature for them. Therefore, you might need to install it as an add-on after you install the original plugin.
Once everything is set up, you will need to click Add New Gallery and go forth with designing it. The best plugins will offer a selection of premade gallery designs as well as options for you to create and customize your own.
How to Choose the Best WordPress Video Gallery Plugin for Your Needs
For all that all of them are unique, the majority of video gallery plugins have very similar features. Therefore, choosing the one for you can be difficult. You should research the options extensively before making the decision.
One of the things you should definitely do is to look up the websites of your direct competitors and see which plugins they use. You don’t necessarily have to use the same. In fact, it would be a bad choice. Instead, you should look into what their solutions can do and look for one that will allow your own website to look better.
The features you should look for in a top-grade video gallery plugin for WordPress include:
- Being mobile-responsive.
The level of video content consumption through mobile devices is growing by 100% every year. Therefore, your gallery must look as amazing (or even better) on mobile screens as it does on PC. - Graphic features.
Lightboxes, effects, layouts, color settings, and other features that will help you customize and enhance the video are a must. A selection of filters and loading effects are particularly important for this type of content. Therefore, be sure what kind of presets are included in the plugin. Otherwise, you will have to pay extra for additional editing software. - Drag-and-drop interface.
This is not a mandatory requirement, but this type of interface is the easiest to work with. - Social icons and player controls.
The plugin must give you the ability to ensure that website visitors can control the video and share it easily. - The best solutions will offer a variety of features that help SEO, including specific editing features.
- If you want to ensure no one can copy and “steal” your content, you’ll need a plugin that protects the visuals with a password or watermarks.
Remember that there are many great plugins to choose from. Therefore, you should decide what features are the most important for you first. Then, look for a solution that offers all of them and more.
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