Choosing an internet provider can be exhausting and stressful when you’ve been searching for weeks on end. It may come to the point where you simply give up and sign on with a company without considering certain important factors beforehand. Here are five mistakes people when choosing an internet service provider. From not comparing prices to ignoring customer service, and even ignoring customer reviews, these five mistakes can turn your internet experience into a nightmare. Avoid these mistakes for a more streamlined and less painful process.
1. Not Comparing Prices
Sometimes, consumers are given a price that sounds incredibly good, and they assume that’s as good as it gets; and most businesses will even try to convince the customer that it is as good as it gets to close the deal. However good a price may seem, it’s always important to compare it with other providers and to be certain of what you’re paying for first. You might find that another service is offering something better for the same price, or that your current package is slow and unreliable in comparison to the competition.
In a world of ever-increasing competition, it’s vital that you compare prices among different providers. You simply can’t afford to sign on with a service that doesn’t work well, is slow, or is over-priced. The more you pay for your internet, the faster and more reliable it should be; not the other way around!
Always compare prices and look for the best deal you can possibly get. You can even check reviews both from customers and review sites or articles for a better picture of the ISPs services and pricing options.
2. Assuming
Asking questions is an important part of choosing an ISP. Never assume anything when it comes to your internet service or the provider behind it. There can be hidden or hard-to-find terms written into contracts or other terms that you’re not aware of. Don’t assume that your price will stay the same, or that you’ll get access to certain features or equipment simply because you sign up for a service package.
Assuming anything is the best way to end paying for something you don’t want or missing out on a service you really need. Don’t be afraid to question your customer service rep when you’re signing up for the internet itself. Their entire purpose is to assist you, so don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to in order to clarify any part of the contract or service. You can also use certain websites to find an ISP. For instance, you can find the fastest internet provider on Internet Advisor.
3. Not Considering Customer Service
Often, customers will become hyperfocused on the bells and whistles of their internet connection and equipment, or the price they’re paying, and forget the level of customer service that the company offers. Customer service is just as important as price, if not more so. You can get the best price on the market, but if the company providing it is notorious for poor customer service, you’ll likely only have trouble in the long run.
Imagine signing up for an internet package, only to find that you can’t reach anyone about your suddenly increased price or faulty equipment. Now you’re stuck paying for something that doesn’t even work from a company that has no care for your needs once you’ve signed a contract.
4. Not Reading the Contract or Terms of Service
This is perhaps the biggest mistake that new customers make when signing up with an ISP. Contracts can be lengthy and confusing and contain “fine print” terms that entail certain unfavorable conditions or agreements for the customer. While it’s easy to skip over the contract, you should absolutely take the time to read it and ask any pertinent questions of your customer service rep. Don’t get caught in unfavorable conditions simply because you didn’t take the time to read!
Also, be sure that you understand how your services are priced. Many ISPs will offer an introductory price that increases after a certain period of time. You wouldn’t want to be surprised by a bill that is double what you paid the previous month.
5. Ignoring Reviews
Checking customer reviews can help you get a better idea of what kind of organization you’re signing up with. Reviews can be found online on the company’s website or social media pages, and ignoring them can have serious consequences. If the reviews are mostly poor with similar complaints in each one, it’s probably best to look elsewhere for internet service. You don’t want to get caught up with a company that’s developed a poor reputation; it didn’t get that way by accident!
Thanks for the information and mistakes people make, I will try to avoid such mistakes when I will be choosing other internet service provider.