There was a time when YouTube was merely a place where you went to watch various types of videos. The past has, however, seen the company pouring more and more interaction-based features into the bowl. It’s currently one of the places where a lot of comments come across. Due to the upgrades from YouTube itself,…
How to Fix Dragon Age Inquisition Won’t Launch Error {11 Solutions inside}
You are an avid gamer, aren’t you? What if your favourite game refuses to launch? We know it’s nasty! That’s why we are going to help you evade Dragon Age Inquisition won’t launch issue. To start with, Dragon Age Inquisition is a role-playing game developed by BioWare. Released in 2014, it gained popularity as a…
Does Your Android Really Need an Antivirus?
The world of software is very much bigger than expecting. And software or applications are the ones which make our PC’s work for different purposes. You can just imagine, what the hell will be your PC when there’s none of your favorite programmers such as Microsoft Office or Google Chrome (according to me). And they’ve been very much essential for various uses of…
4 Ways: How to Protect wp-config.php of your WordPress from Hackers
WordPress is now the most using CMS all over world. So obviously the WordPress hackers are increased. This post will guide you to protect your WordPress from those hackers who interested to target your main security file named wp-config.php. We will see the different methods to protect wp-config.php file. Image Rights reserved at respected owner.…
Tips to Optimize Facebook for Business: As an Online Marketing Medium
Facebook is one of the leading platforms for social media these days, being used worldwide for connecting and interacting. Because of this, companies have also recognized the potential of using it to increase their online presence and get their products and services better recognized. Unfortunately, some business still have no taken measures to make sure…
Where Are Windows Store Apps Installed and Where Do They Save Data
Microsoft introduced what we now know as Windows apps long way back. It was, however, then called the Metro Apps, launched alongside the much-awaited Windows. In the course of time, things did change and these apps are now simply called Windows apps. In terms of looks and functioning, Windows apps are way different from the…