Android is the famous Operating systems for mobile phones and tabs. It is becoming more and more famous among the teenagers and students. Due to very huge demand and curiosity of students in android applications, more and more developers started developing mind-blowing apps for students.
The Best, Free and most essential 8 Android Applications for students:
1) World FactBook:
This application will provides the latest news and fact which ongoing in the globe. Like SOPA and same like that. This application provides information about the history, people, government, economy, geography and much more around the world.
2) Memory Trainer:
This application will try to make exercise to your brain and it is very essential for making concentration. It will sharper your memory by exercising the nerve muscles and force your brain to remember more things. That Makes you Smarter and brighter.
3) Wikidroid (Wikipedia Browser):
Wikidroid makes all the Wikipedia page compatible for your phone and it can browse very easily. It makes Wikipedia searching very easy and fast.
4) RealCalc Scientific Calculator:
This is very essential tool for college student especially from science and engineering streams. This application can save much time. It is a free application
5) Math Formulary:
This is another application is essential and very easy to sue for student, those complex mathematics and algebra is required. The developer of this application claims that it contains all the formulas that you require on your way through school and university.
This applications is useful for managing your finances right. If your financial budget is not well plan you can study or even do anything properly so just use this apps and manage it .
If you know any other free Android application that can be very useful for students then please let me know by commenting here.
Though, I haven’t heard about any of the app listed above but your reviews are quite impressive. I’ll surely try them out. Thanks Tushar for recommending these apps.
Shruti you are welcome. Please stay tuned to see more posts. 🙂