Many personality traits make a person unique. The best way to understand one’s self is by analyzing what traits make a person. This can be through personality tests or other instruments at one’s disposal. To determine your traits, there are two personality tests you can use: the Big Five Inventory and Keirsey Temperament Test. These results can attest to your personality and leadership style.
The Big Five Inventory
The Big Five Inventory is a self-report inventory designed to measure five dimensions of one’s self. These include extraversion, agreeableness, consciousness, neuroticism, and openness. These dimensions analyze interests and emotions. Using the inventory is as safe as Dafabet account security.
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It is important to understand the results of these tests. The test allows a person to understand what their strengths and weaknesses are within his or her personality. By recognizing what weaknesses are present, it allows a person to try and address those areas to better themself. We must know how to be compatible with these personalities so that we can maximize success within our profession.
For members who are high in extraversion, they are more likely to talk and love being around people. These people are adventurous, take risks, and see life as a playground. The results state that members high in consciousness are organized, responsible, respect authority, and are on time.
For members high in neuroticism, the results say that these people experience frequent negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem. These people also experience a wide variety of emotions which helps them detect danger. For members high in agreeableness, the results say that these people are motivated to maintain positive relationships, can be caring, empathetic, and would displace their own emotions to maintain a relationship.
For members low in openness, the results say that these people prefer routine. These members feel somewhat confident in their current thoughts and are less likely to try new things. They feel that their routine provides stability and structure, and going against that would be uncomfortable. In the end, this inventory implemented a digital transformation of yourself.
The Keirsey Temperament Test
Another instrument you can use is the Keirsey Temperament Test. This test is used to self assess personality to help people better understand themselves and others. The test places the personality traits within one of the four categories: guardian, rationalist, ideality, or artisan.
For example, let’s dive into what a guardian would be. The results state that guardians have fun, but take their work seriously. Guardians enjoy taking on responsibility and being someone dependable and trustworthy. They enjoy being someone that can provide a shoulder to lean on in tough times. The results also state that guardians follow the rules, enjoy cooperating with others, and have a strong foundation of loyalty, discipline, and teamwork to get the job done right.
There are four types of guardians. These include supervisor, protector, inspector, and provider. Only 10-percent of guardians fall within the provider range. The results suggest that providers are the most sociable of the guardians. Providers care about the health and welfare of the group. These members are considered great nurturers for schools, churches, and clubs because they give time and energy to make sure the needs of others are met before their own.
What category do you think you find yourself in? In the end, online personality tests help you discover who you are as a person. However, be aware that you may find yourself in a state of confusion as well.
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