Windows 8 is revised version of Windows 7 developed by Microsoft. Developer preview version officially announced by Microsoft on 13- Sept- 2011. Actually the new version is announced by Microsoft’s CEO in 23- May – 2011.
Short listed new features in windows 8:
- More security.
- Fast booting than all previous versions.
- Built in USB 3.0 support.
- New Windows To Go feature.
- New Task manager.
- Improved Windows explorer.
- New Picture password Feature.
- New start up screen.
- Cloud synchronization
- Ribbon User Interface.
- Fully ARM processor supported.
How to download windows 8 officially from Microsoft’s website?
Yet only the developer preview copy is available which is just for finding out any bug remaining in the setup. Although the version is not fully tested for bugs and errors so may not word properly. So download and use it at your own risk.
Update :
Now Microsoft removed all developer preview links. Now they release the Consumer Preview version
Official links to download the beta version of windows 8:
Windows 8 Consumer Preview EN – x64
Windows 8 Consumer Preview EN x86
See this links for all details:
System requirements
If you are already using windows 8 please tell your reviews.
Nice post thanks a lot it help me lot…
thanks man
You are always welcome buddy. 🙂