Any developer can learn how to write clean code, follow a strict plan, meet deadlines, and progress professionally. The main thing is not to interfere with bad habits!

Crutches are an unrefined tool, but there is nothing wrong with using them occasionally, for instance, when there are tight deadlines. But keep in mind that, in the event of product expansion, crutches might eventually go missing or break. Create a universal code whenever possible. In other situations, test to ensure that the crutch is working well and inform your colleagues of your decision.
When is a unique code needed? Of course, he belongs at the interview when you need to show yourself to the employer in all its glory. But if we are talking about a real workflow, with deadlines and clear requirements, it will be a waste of time. So be sure to look for ready-made solutions to the task that are suitable for you. Use libraries, frameworks, manuals.
Unjustified refactoring
If you passionately strive for the perfect code, you can get stuck in a series of continuous improvements and thereby lose precious time. After all, failing to meet the deadline will undermine the entire success of your job, even if the code is designed as cleanly as possible.
Therefore, always limit refactoring. Don’t let temptations and perfectionism slow down your development.
Ignoring trends
IT is advancing quite quickly. In this field, new and more sophisticated things are continually emerging, like tools, strategies, technologies, products, problem-solving models, etc.
As a result, a specialist who does not keep up with trends quickly becomes outdated. People who continually learn new things and advance their careers are the most beneficial to employers. Study specialized websites, read blogs and development books, go to conferences, enroll in classes, and speak with coworkers as frequently as you can to share experiences.
Attempts to think through the entire development process
Detailed planning all the way from top to bottom sounds like a good idea. But in practice, the logical chain often does not add up and plans collapse, as if they were built on sand. The result is that time has passed, and the work is not done. The best solution is to act step by step. Immediately divide the task into several smaller ones. Solve the received subtasks sequentially: you thought over the first one, implemented it, and only then moved on to the next one.
Fixating on one solution
You see that the code is not working – do not try to improve it by all means and “save” it. You will waste time and effort. Don’t confuse persistence with stubbornness and lack of flexibility. If you get hung up on non-working code, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it later. The result is a deadline violation, stress and a damaged reputation. To avoid this, consider not one single option, but several ways to solve the problem at once.
Learning without practice
Sometimes programmers love to learn new things so much that they completely forget why they do it. In the modern world, knowledge is very accessible, but this does not mean that you need to absorb everything in a row. If the theory is not fixed by practice, it is useless, and it will not help you grow professionally in any way. There is not a single person who could assimilate new information in unlimited quantities. That is why the most appropriate tactic is to study only what you need to solve urgent problems, or those that you plan to face in the near future. And whatever the knowledge gained, if you want to master it completely, you must definitely apply it in practice.
Lack of desire to understand the basics
It is impossible to use ready-made solutions effectively without understanding algorithms and a good knowledge of data structures. Only a high-quality foundation will help you competently evaluate your own actions, improve the code and accelerate not only the pace of your work, but also the performance of the final product.
Poor teamwork skills
Sometimes there are programmers who consider themselves geniuses, who because of this do not trust colleagues and try to do all the work alone. However, even the finest specialists cannot complete all the work of a big project on their own, therefore this pattern of conduct will eventually result in delays. Additionally, it prevents the developer’s career from growing, as he becomes indispensable in his place, because apart from him, the specifics of the product are no longer familiar to anyone.
Therefore, do not let the costs of teamwork turn you away from your colleagues. Keep in mind that group work increases efficiency and makes developing your career easier.
Choose habits consciously
You must understand that many of our habits are anything but harmless. Make sure they don’t interfere with your development, write clean code, program skillfully, and advance your profession. Your energy is in your hands. And only you get to decide where to put it: in bad habits that limit your growth and lower the quality of the final result, or in good habits that, on the other hand, encourage improvement.
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