We already discussed the BSNL launched a new Android 2.3 based Tablet in Indian market. Within 1 day it got famous. Very similar to Aakash Tab which is announced by Indian government
I observed that people searching on internet How to buy BSNL Tab, Review: BSNL tab and many other queries but they redirected pages they are not proving the real information. So in this post you will find all the things that you should know or every common person know about BSNL Penta (Some called as BSNL Panta) Tablet 701R.
See the Video Review:
First we will see:
·        Best gaming experience with G sensor
·        Powerful processor of 1GHz
·        0.3 camera for video call and chat
·        Android v2.3
·        256 MB Ram
·        No SIM card slot (Only BSNL inbuilt SIM)
·        No GPS support
·        No Bluetooth support
·        Only one USB port
·        Resistive Touch Screen (That worst as compared with Capacitive)
Full specifications of
Pantel T-Pad IS701R BSNL:
·        256 MB RAM
·        2GB Inbuilt Flash memory & expandable up to 32 GB
·        1Ghz MicroProcessor
·        7” screen with resistive and 16:9 ration 800×600 resolution
·        3Ah Battery (3000 mili Ampere Hour)
·        VGA camera
·        Wi Fi
·        USB
·        Android v2.3 Gingerbread
·        HDMI port for TV out
Some commonly asked question about BSNL T pad:
1)Â Â Â Â Â How to buy penta T pad 701R?
See this post:
2)Â Â Â Â Â What is price?
BSNL declared the price as 3499/- INR
3)Â Â Â Â Â When the Tab will be available?
No guarantee but it may take more than 60 days from Pre booking.
4)Â Â Â Â Â Is it possible to use android market on this Tab?
Yes you can download any application from Android market to the Tab.
5)Â Â Â Â Â Can we connect it to TV/LED/LCD?
Yes the Penta 701R has inbuilt HDMI port so you can connect it to TV directly.
6)Â Â Â Â Â Can we use Broadband on BSNL Penta via external BSNL broadband router?
Yes off course it has Wi Fi connectivity, so it is very easy to use high speed internet on it as compared to that default 2G BSNL SIM.
If you have any questions then you are welcome to comment here. J
Can BSNL Penta 701R can make voice calls using 2G usb dongle?
No there is no option for calling, It was clearly mentioned by the pantel itself.IS701R is a basic model with all common features introduced in the market for analysing the (pantel)sales and demand.It is like a test piece for pantel and once it is sucessful then they will introduce latest models and close IS701R sales(see in the website IS701R sales is stopped now)
you have to use external data card to even use internet or get your inbuilt sim activated from a bsnl franchise store(running around bsnl office you know).It doesnt have bluetooth if you want to transfer pictures or songs or videos.We I got the device delivered, the OS was corrupt and I wanted to reload the OS .you connect your tablet to computer it will not even detect if you dont have windows XP(who will have windows XP these days….).To load the OS I had to buy a SD card and a card reader(these cost around 500/-).Loaded XP then used SD card with card reader then finally loaded OS to Tablet.Now since I didnt still activated my SIM so the tablet is lying waste at home.Please think before buying…
Will tpad is701r supports 3g doungle?Plz reply.
Yes the are. 🙂
we can call in is701r???????
In the specification on Tab there is no any clear statment about this. But according to the discussion on different forums we can say that it supports the voice call too.
capability of MP3 songs playing and Mp4 ?
What is minimum cost of internet per month? And how to use internet on it?
Monthly cost 83.33/- free for first 3 month.
See this page and click on offer: http://www.pantel.in/product19-tpad_is701r.aspx
hello friends i got penta t pad is701r
all information about this pad is face
is701r has no inbuilt sim, it not connect to computer, and most fake news also from pantal technologies is there is no hdmi port
this info are true cz I have also bsnl penta 701c and I have its hdmi port n its can connect to the computer
I have IS701C penta tablet but not able to connect to TV..
Please suggest any tricks..thanks
I have same problem woth my penta 701c hdmi to tv not connecting…please help..thanks.
i have planned to buy penta tpad …i have got the confirmation mail from pantel technologies…but i am totally confused to buy it . ipls help me out..!!
is all the specification are true.? is there any guarantee or warrantee…..????
i recently put android software as it vanished after 2 months..but the market app is not opening in it…can u suggest me wt to do?
Vanishes? I cant get you. Try to factory reset.
Hi friends I want to buy cheapest pc tablet
price=3000 to 4000 give me Suggestion about Akash,BSNL,etc tablet.
from: Himmatnagar
Go with BSNL 701C Tablet
you can buy bsnl701c tab at rs 4812 from india times shopping,it is good at such price………
I have a bsnl penta 701 c. if u want to buy this thn contact me. this penta is old only 1 mnth.
what are the advantages of 701c over 703c?
How can I connect the internet in this tab through a USB dongle. I don’t know how to install and start using it.
Can we connect internet by connecting my phone with Data cable via Pc-suite with other sim network? Please reply fast
Can we connect internet by connecting to my phone with data cable via Pc-suite with Bsnl sim network or some other network.
my bsnl penta IS701R has no inbuit 2g sim ? do you guys have
No friends, I too didn’t get inbuilt 2g sim, and I had paid for offer product means Rs. 250 more but haven’t recieved any Sim yet !
can we do phone call with bsnl penta?
yes all specifications are true. n its have 1 year warrenty
can call skype? how is the experience?
I am not able to connect my BSNL penta 701c tablet through hdmi port to TV. Can anybody help to fix this issue. Anybody ever successful to connect tv using 701c tablet of Penta. Please reply. Thanks