Travel and books are a natural pairing: it seems that those who love to escape into the physical world coincidentally also enjoy escaping into a mental one. With the advent of eReaders and book apps, both readers and story tellers can instantly update, catch up on, or write out new stories wherever they go. JustFly reviews the power behind self-motivated and self-publishing forum such as Wattpad as the go-to publishing platform for all aspiring writers and readers.
Wattpad is a social media and publishing platform dedicated to providing a space for writers and readers alike to create and enjoy the stories they want to read according to JustFly. Users are able to post articles, stories, fan fiction, poems, and any other sort of content they were aspired to create. Whether you’re a newbie in the game or an established literary figure looking to experiment in new writing styles, Wattpad offers a platform in which users can create what they want and post it for others to read, enjoy, or even contribute, which inevitably creates a dynamic and collaborative piece.
Why would travellers be interested in Wattpad? The answer lies in the platforms usability and commitment-free attitude. Other apps and platform such as Scribd force users to pay for the service and entice them with a 14 day free trial (even Spotify gives you a longer time to try out their services). Though Scribd hosts larger-named authors and grants access to a larger variety of already-published books, Wattpad offers a singularly unique experience wherein users are exposed to a larger range and demographic of talent and writers, meaning there’s literally something for everyone in any demographic.
Free Discussion
The community aspect of the writing platform also makes it a more dynamic and engaging site where users freely contribute, and are encouraged by other members of the community to express themselves and their writing. Writers and readers alike can join a variety of different clubs, or categories where they can freely discuss issues facing the genre they’re into, chat about pro-active online guidelines, and anything else the community can think of. In addition to community boards, Wattpad offers an array of writing contests and awards to showcase the emerging and diverse talent found on their platform.
Wrap Up
What’s especially convenient about Wattpad according to JustFly is its ability to be used on a wide variety of different operating systems, including android and iOS. Of its user-base, the largest demographic using Wattpad comes from the Philippines, emphasizing the global reach of the app and demonstrating the high demand in diverse content. For travellers, this means they can stay updated on new stories and authors wherever they go on any device they own. Whether they’re looking for local or regional authors to get a sense of the country they’re traveling, or engaging with Wattpad’s diverse community, this app is ideal for anyone on the go.
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