Here are a number of the best WordPress plugins that are indispensable for any site on WordPress. If you are thinking about getting a WordPress website through a service like, it is important to learn about one of the most powerful tools WordPress has to offer.
#1 Constant Contact
With this WordPress plugin, creating an email list and sending any number of emails you want to subscribers is easy and fast. It is vital if you want to keep your clients updated and send promotional material to potential clients that might be interested.
#2 Yoast SEO
When we talk about SEO, this is the tool that no website can go without. By using Yoast SEO, your site will be optimized for search engines, and you will be able to add tags and categories, among other things. In addition, the SEO standard and the readability of your content will be evaluated by Yoast and you’ll receive tips to help you optimize.
#3 Quick and Easy FAQs
Give your visitors the benefit of getting the answers they are looking for without having to read endless paragraphs of information that are not particularly useful to them. If you add a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section, you will be able to skip the boring parts and go directly to the questions you want to get answered. This will increase visitor satisfaction and decrease bounce rates.
#4 Monster Insights
Knowing your visitors is an essential requirement for being able to improve your service. This is one of the WordPress plugins that track your visitors to tell you where they are from and what they were trying to find on your page. This will help you to develop better campaigns and achieve targeted improvements based on data.
#5 Envira Gallery
If you want to have a successful visual impact on your site with images, this is the tool that gives you the ability to create galleries, albums, and all the visual elements that have proven to be the best when it comes to bringing and retaining visitors.
#6 Sucuri
It is one of the most important WordPress plugins for your website as it protects you from XSS, DDoS, brute force, and many other ways through which your website can get attacked and hacked.
#7 OptinMonster
This optimization software will try to convert visitors to your site into subscribers, even those visitors who have left your site. After installing it, your email list will increase greatly.
#8 Google Apps for Work
Using this app, you will be able to send emails without having to change your domain name because it allows you to use your name. It is an excellent tool for working with documents, spreadsheets, emails, and all the things you usually use in your campaigns or when managing your daily updates.
#9 EA Share Count
One of the WordPress plugins that your site needs to be connected to social media networks. This is something you cannot give up on your site, as social media is becoming more and more important. For this very reason, this basic WordPress plugin has become very popular among webmasters. With just one click, your content will be shared on social media.
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