In the era of information noise you can not afford to publish content and wait passively for success to come. Even if you regularly create great articles and reviews, they may go unnoticed among other publications. In order to solve this problem, you need to promote your content.
In this article, you will find a description of the methods of promoting your publications.
Method number 1: Ask the authoritative person in your industry to comment on your stuff.
Before you publish your article, send it to an expert and ask them to comment. Insert this comment as quotes in your material and refer to the website or blog expert. Provide specialist publication of the material and ask them to make the announcement on the social networks.
Method number 2: write 20 articles descriptions and share them on social networks for several weeks. This method is suitable for the promotion of large products: books, white paper, research reports. Create 20 involving descriptions that can be used for posting on social networks. This can involve citations, numbers, unexpected conclusions. Publish link to the publication on social networks within 20 days in a row with different descriptions. For example, if your business is term paper order , publish ads about your best online services to attract more customers.
Method number 3: mention companies and experts, inform them of the publication.
If in the article you mention any companies or experts, interviews of the experts, quote industry gurus, say about it in the article announcement. Do not forget to notify the company of experts about the release of your material. This guarantees you an extra promotion in social networks.
Method number 4: communicate with people who share similar content
In social networks, you can find a lot of unfamiliar users who share content related to your industry. Meet these people and offer your publication.
Please note, this is not a mass spam. It is rather personal communication with social networking users. Take the time to respond to the comments, to discuss the problem, and to offer them your own content. Add people to your friends. This will confirm that you want to talk personally with the person rather than sending them spam.
To find users who share similar content, use tools Ahrefs or Open Site Explorer.
Method number 5: Turn the article into video instruction, podcast or presentation to capture a new audience. Many users prefer not to read, but watch or listen to content. Give them this opportunity: turn the article into a video presentation podcast. Transforming content into a new type, you give it a second life. Many users prefer to watch or listen to content. Thanks to mobile gadgets, they often do so on the go.
Method number 6: add a link to the new content in the most popular publication.
In your blog, there are certainly some articles certainly that from month to month bring you a lot of traffic. Add link to your new material in one or more of such articles. With Google Analytics, you can determine the most popular content on the site. A Social Crawlitics service will help you determine the materials that receive the most spread in social networks. Adding to these articles links, you attract the attention of previously unreached audience.
Method number 7: Preview the content in thematic communities.
Publish announcements in groups and communities in social networks, on the discussion forums, websites and blogs. To avoid accusations of spam, you must be an active and influential participant in these communities. Encourage and support the debate, it will help you to draw attention to the publication.
Method number 8: use paid methods of promotion.
Contextual advertising, thematic advertising in social networks and popular among your audience resources will help draw attention to the new content. Take advantage of Facebook advertising and targeting LinkedIn. These social networks are considered to be the most suitable platforms for promoting the business content.
Method number 9: Use social aggregators.
Take advantage of social aggregators Flipboard or Categoriya. With their help, you can submit your publication in a visually appealing manner: in the form of articles in a glossy magazine. Your publications on Flipboard will be available to subscribers on Facebook and other social networks.
Social aggregators allow to present the content in a new format
To make sure your content is noticed …
To make sure your content is noticed, promote it actively. Use the potential of social networks, communicate with industry experts and influential members of the community. Suggest audience content in multiple formats: video, podcasts, presentations, infographics and convenient to consume on the go. Additionally, social aggregators can help you extend your promotion methods.