Developing a marketing campaign is simultaneous with holding great responsibility. Campaigns are crucial to a company’s success and the branding of a product. In the era of technology, one thing you should not be missing out on is the use of video for your campaigns. Research and statistics have identified the impact of video on the successful implementation of a product, and predict its beneficial use for the future of any business.
Whether small or large, there is a way for any company to include video marketing in their strategy. You can use video editing services like Video Caddy to edit your videos professionally Statements like ‘videos are time consuming, expensive, and simply not effective enough’ may be reasons for companies to ban themselves from the use of videos. However, these statements are not true anymore thanks to tools like mysimpleshow, and should not be an excuse to let your competition be one step ahead of you.
Building Brand Awareness
Videos will help your company in terms of telling your brand’s story and developing awareness of what your company stands for. Companies like Audi, BMW, IKEA and many others use explainer videos like a simpleshow to explain their vision and strategies to their customers. Even for smaller businesses with less of a reputation, videos can be used to boost your brand name and product. It’s all about reaching your customers wherever they are in the world – get them to share and spread the word about your company and it will attract possible buyers in your area.
Capitalize on YouTube
Youtube has 3 million new videos a month according to their statistics, identifying the possibilities video marketing may have for you. The market is growing and so are video creation tools. Animated videos including storytelling can be personalized, individual, and increase the response from customers. Being present on video hosting sites will keep you updated and competitive. Create a presence and let these tools be a part of your strategy. Furthermore, videos may increase your audience variety and target market as you attract younger viewers in the process, who elsewise might not know about your brand or product.
If you are looking for YouTube video editing software, this ultimate guide made by Filmora offers you all the video marking soultion for PC, Mac, online, iPhone, Android and Linux
Employer Branding
Another common way you can use videos is to show a different side of your company. Some firms might seem boring from the outside, but insight can be gained through the use of video. Showing customers that your company is fun and approachable may be a helpful tool to sell your product and attract new employees. In the end, it’s all about building a relationship with customers as well as employees by providing insight into the value of their work and the effectiveness and atmosphere of the working environment.
Engage your Customers
The main goal of your campaign is to get people interested and attract buyers. Your reputation is highly influenced not only by the quality of a product, but by what people tell each other about it. Targeting followers and establishing a connection is achieved through sending personalized videos, keeping them updated, and most of all keeping the word of mouth circulating them by consistently providing great video content. 65% of video viewers watch more than 3/4 of a video, identifying the effectiveness of videos and proving the point.
Boost Conversions
Video boosts conversions and sales on customized landing pages. Content sharing via videos on social media is a major advantage regarding the inclusion of video advertisement.
Research shows that conversations increase on social media and other platforms, and 76% of people say they would share the video if the brand/video was entertaining. When people are talking about your content and starting the process of branding, advertising your product through social shares and customer engagement may be the trick to your marketing campaign.
Rapid Response and Time Saving
Lastly, you can use video marketing to get fast responses, promote responses on hot topics, and in general, save time. Instead of sending out a survey, videos analytics can be traced and analyzed; including views, shares, conversation, responses, and comments. There are many opportunities that require sending an idea and reviewing feedback. Marketing requires analysis, identification, and mostly learning about your customer’s needs. Don’t miss out on video marketing to be up front in the business world.
As any other digital medium, videos offer a broad spectrum of tools. Whether you will go with explainer videos, corporate videos, or video blogging, each company has different needs and therefore requires careful examination to identify the right tool for the individual marketing strategy.
Hi Tishar,
I love the humanizing medium of video marketing. I record 1 Facebook or YouTube video daily. Reminds my readers that I am human. A living, breathing being behind the words on the screen. Smart tips dude.
You are right about video marketing. It is one of the best marketing technique to make your brand popular in the market nowadays. Thanks for sh.aring this article. I would have like if you explained it in more detail