Aside from making things faster and more efficient in a general sense, technology is being used in a range of different ways to make the life of an investor much easier. Are you interested in finding out how tech is simplifying some different investment strategies? Here are a couple of key examples that might inspire you to cut some unnecessary corners in your investment journey to success.
Fast-Paced Investment
First of all, it’s certainly worth noting that the general increase in smartphone speeds and computer speeds have made the instant access to investment a lot easier, and it allows for fast-paced, aggressive investment strategies to be done with even more precision. It’s empowering the average investor to be able to work harder and faster as much as it is easier.
Property Investment – A Modern Viewing Experience
Property investment specifically as a sub-category is one that has benefitted hugely from tech of all shapes and sizes. This is reflected in the investor’s journey nowadays in an off-plan in-progress development, from prospecting, picking and purchasing the property itself, all the way to its completion when tenants are moving in:
Deciding on the property – With off-plan investments, where the property itself has not yet been built or is still in progress, it is obviously more difficult for an investor to get a good idea of what the property will look and feel like for their tenants because it hasn’t even been built yet. That’s why modern property companies, such as RWinvest, utilise Virtual Reality technology to give investors the next-best thing: a virtual tour and viewing.
Keeping in-the-loop – Once the property has been purchased and construction is still underway, investors now actually have an unrivalled level of access, more than they probably have ever had before, to their property. If working with an efficient and reputable developer/investment company, not only will they receive high-quality CGI imagery, videos and construction update guides on the property as it is finalising, but drone footage will also give them a unique view on the site; a perspective that they won’t be able to get anywhere else.
Again, all of these sorts of online guides and updates can be accessed remotely, meaning investors can manage their portfolios from wherever they are in the world with ease. Perfect for the international investor.
Robo Advisor
Robot butlers might not quite be a thing just yet, but if you want to enlist the support of a Robo Advisor to help you quantify and decide on your investment prospects, then you’re in luck. These algorithm-driven platforms require little supervision from humans and automatically generate some of the best investment prospects for you, dependent on your interests, goals and current financial situation. This sort of tech might sound like a luxury, but they’re actually relatively inexpensive to get up and running with a small starting investment, and so anyone can benefit. Investopedia state in their article that the first Robo Advisor platform launched in 2008, and that client assets managed by these AI programmes is set to reach $7 trillion worldwide by 2025.
Remember – Using technology to make your investment life easier is brilliant, but it doesn’t mean that you should be putting any less effort in. Perhaps it might make a hands-off investment strategy that bit easier. Still, ultimately it should just reduce the amount of time it takes for you to do menial tasks, allowing you to focus on what’s important and get the most out of your investment strategy.
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