Ansys leads the way
There was a time when the word simulation did belong to only the most technical people in the world. Now, however, things have changed quite drastically. So much so that you can easily say that simulation is a factor that proactively drives technology development.
What started off as an approximate imitation of an object or system operation, simulation has now matured into a technology that helps to explore the unexplorable. From testing scientific models to virtual reality and from safety engineering to data analytics, the possibilities with simulation is endless.
In this article, we will take a look at how the concept and practice of simulation is accelerating technology development across the globe with different contexts. We hope this helps professionals in acquiring the skills they need to get the best of this transformation.
Education Sector Takes the Lead
Education is one of the many sectors that can benefit the most from the development of simulation technologies. Considering the current situation of social distancing and the lack of facilities required for research work, simulation becomes the only way to make resources available to students and faculties who hail from different parts of the world. It comes down to a scenario where you don’t have to be in a lab to test something.
From creating ultra-accurate experiments to developing data-driven models, there are many ways simulation can transform learning. Although at the not-so-advanced level, we cannot ignore the freedom that simulation classrooms offer to us today.
Companies like Ansys have been partnering with top notch institutes like IIT Ropar, IIT Mumbai, IIT Kanpur and more to ensure that we can provide much needed transformations in the industries such as healthcare, automotive, High-Tech etc.
Also, using industry-quality simulation tech, you can make futuristic education possible today.
Simulation for Industrial Design
Simulation solutions can help to develop the control software or predict the industrial design integrity. However, when compared to the education sector, this isn’t anything new. Several industries such as aerospace and healthcare have been using simulation software to test, predict and diagnose potential issues with their designs as well as products.
With the invention of AI and VR, however, has generated new possibilities. Pioneers in this field like Ansys, now offer simulation solutions that pan across the different functions such as 3D design, electronics, embedded systems, structures, semiconductors and even optics. So, if industry is designing a product/process, they can simulate all aspects of the system even before moving to prototype and test.
In this case, the acceleration from simulation tech must be linked with productivity as well. Industry cannot wait till prototyping to understand whether if an idea is feasible. With the help of proven accuracy and precise pointing, Ansys solutions help engineers to control how the industrial design translates to practical environments. Needless to say, a lot of sectors including military, aerospace, construction and healthcare use these softwares regularly.
To give an example, as we know, the world needs the perfect mask that prevents Coronavirus infection in a social environments. Simulation technology is helping innovators to do that by using precise imitation of not just the materials that may be used for creating the mask but also by analyzing how the human body can use such a contraception for the maximum results.
We’d need days to talk about the possibilities in the industrial design sector alone.
Big Data, AI and Beyond Reality
We just talked about how various simulation tech from companies like Ansys can make industrial design more reliable and practical. However, probably the best thing about simulation tech is it can be scaled up in sync with other advancements like big data, AI, and the beyond-reality concepts like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Let’s take the case for big data, for instance.
In the past years, collecting and organizing big data has become so common across industries. The right use of simulation tech can help the same industries in predicting what is up in the future. This is also where the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning come in. Using powerful algorithms and predictive tech, plotting the future is an easy task.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality help us create a new perception of the simulation world, though.
Let’s take the example of autonomous vehicles. With the combined power of physics based simulation, Virtual Reality and data analytics, engineers are able to make autonomous technology safe and acceptable to the world.
The point is that simulation has an amazing place to grow. During this course, it can integrate with multiple technological advancements and other features like ML. All it takes is the effort to trust the tech and to have a technology partner that can be relied on when it comes to competency.
The Bottom Line
We hope you understand the real potential of simulation technology now. As you could probably tell, it can potentially change the world for the good, in the long term.
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