Nearly 45 percent of the cyber-attacks that occur each year target small businesses. Most modern small businesses collect a lot of sensitive data. This data is generally stored on the servers a business uses to power its network.
If this information is not properly safeguarded, it is only a matter of time before it falls into the wrong hands. This is why you need to view enhancing network security as a priority. The following are some of the considerations you need to make when trying to enhance network security.

Enhance network security
Intrusion Detection Software or Intrusion Prevention Software: Choosing the Right Option
One of the main things you need to do when trying to enhance network security is to decide whether you need instruction detection software (IDS) or intrusion prevention software (IPS). For years, IT professionals have been at odds when it comes to IDS vs IPS. Choosing the right option is easier when you know the benefits of each one.
Why Intrusion Detection Software is a Good Option
The biggest benefit that comes with using IDS is that they can be optimized to fit the needs of your network. Knowing about the specific content of each data packet trying to access your network is crucial. With this information, you can uncover potential data hacking attempts and remove them before they compromise any sensitive information on your network. You will also be able to quantify and qualify the potential attacks on your network.
Using an Intrusion Prevention System is Beneficial
Some business owners prefer using IPS because it allows them to place safeguards on particular points within their network. With this system, you can evaluate and monitor threats. Being able to catch cyber-intruders in real-time can help you minimize the damage done by one of these hacking attempts. If you are attempting to avoid DDoS attacks, then an IPS program is probably your best course of action.
A Secure Back-Up Plan is Important
Being the victim of a ransomware attack can be devastating. Most inexperienced business owners make the mistake of trying to buy back their data from hackers. In most cases, this leads to even more problems in the future. The only way to truly prepare for this common cyber-attack is by finding a way to consistently back-up the data on your network.
Rather than trying to manually back-up the data, you need to think about using a cloud-based software program. By using the cloud for the purpose of backing up your data, you can rest assured no mistakes are made. Cloud-based back-ups save data automatically.
If you have this back-up in place, then you will be able to wipe the data on your network clean and restore it without having to deal with cyber-criminals. The time and money invested in instituting an efficient and reliable back-up system is well worth it in the long run.

Build a reliable backup system
Allow Professionals to Test Your Network
If you are unsure about what measures need to be taken to secure your network, running a penetration test is a good idea. IT professionals can put your network through the paces to see where security vulnerabilities exist. Once they have this information, they can provide guidance regarding how to secure the network.
Take Action Now!
Ignoring the need for enhanced network security will only lead to bigger problems down the road. This is why you need to seek out the help of an IT professional. With their assistance, securing your network will be much easier.
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