The following article has been inspired by the thoughts of Mr. Mayank Srivastava. He is the Founder of Experts’ Global, one of the world’s leading EdTech firms in the field of GMAT prep and MBA admission consulting.
Education Technology, or EdTech as it is often called, has the potential to truly revolutionize the depth and reach of how education is disseminated. While technology already seems to play a massive role in education, the truth is that we have barely scratched the surface. In countries such as India, Education Technology represents a real opportunity. EdTech can help take quality education to every part of India, across its varied geographic and cultural landscapes. Here are some of the biggest changes that we can expect EdTech to make, in the coming years.
Adaptive Learning
All students have a different capacity to absorb each subject. So, each student has a unique set of learning requirements. Educators understand this fact but, practically speaking, they are not able to create different learning modules for every student. This means that, regardless of their individual needs, all students end up getting the same training. EdTech solutions can analyze a student’s response to the training and adapt the training, as per the student’s needs.
Better Usage of Videos
One of the simplest types of EdTech is video lectures. It is already quite common for such videos to be utilized, informally, but soon we will see them integrated into the official curriculum of institutes of higher, advanced, and specialized details. We will see the leading figures of every field recording video lectures, for students all over the world. The classroom teachers will then discuss the primary takeaways of these videos and answer the student queries. Many institutions have already realized the potential of this model.
Allowing educators to spend more time on core work
EdTech solutions have helped free up Educator’s time, from daily tasks. We will soon see day to day tasks, such as scheduling, be completely automated. The most dramatic change will be observable in grading. Objective grading has already been automated and, with the help of specially designed tools, soon subjective grading will be too.
Analytics used for judging career decisions
With the proper input, certain algorithms can very valuable deductions on an individual’s skills and interests. These deductions can be used to identify the level of sync, between an individual and their career choices. We will soon see many solutions applied to the field of career counseling.
Development of collaborative tools
Soon we will see the development of specialized tools that have been designed to allow us to collaborate, across varied geographies, for the purposes of education. These tools will enable us to collaborate on educational pursuits, as efficiently as we already do for recreation.
Classrooms will change but they will not disappear
It would be presumptuous to say that EdTech will simply replace the traditional classroom. There are many skills that can only be learned by working with teachers, seniors, and peers in an institutional setting. EdTech is a useful aid but it will not replace the traditional classroom. In fact, EdTech will only reach its fullest potential when the traditional institutions embrace it.
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