Gadgets are designed to make our lives easier. Everything from flagship smartphones and eBook readers to the latest smart hubs and home techs is offering more ways to make life easier. They are designed from the start to deliver features in a user-friendly way. The conveniences they offer keep getting better too. Home gadgets are…
Your Complete Guide to Setting Up an Amazing Home Movie Theater
We’ve reached a point in our development where everyone can enjoy a movie theater experience from the comfort of their living room. As technology continues to advance, and cheaper to produce, more people will be able to afford the big-screen TVs and surround sound speakers that replicate the same experience they have in the theater.…
How do DJs organize their music?
Most novice DJs have at one point experienced the challenge of having to sort through music while at a gig. It is embarrassing, and can ruin your reputation. In case you are in such a predicament and are wondering about how experienced DJs organize their music, here are a few ways that they do it.…
PETBLE Smart devices are changing the way veterinarians provide pet care
Technology is changing the way we interact with our pets. With the help of smart devices, we’re now able to monitor activity levels, calories burned, food intake and a myriad of other things. We recently sat down with Dr. Alfred Ng, Ph.D (MIT) and PETBLE CEO to discuss the state of wearable tech for pets…
How Salesforce ERP Integration Can Make Your Business Run Smoothly
Salesforce is a vital tool for most of today’s businesses. So is an ERP. These systems allow you to keep track of important information about your customers, suppliers and products. But they don’t work together…unless you integrate them. Having Salesforce and your ERP run separately from each other means that you risk making mistakes and…
Should You Care about Protecting the Data on Your Phone? All Questions Answered
The average smartphone user cares alarming little for their online and offline security. This is a big problem because cybercrime is on the rise, and phones have become our primary data storage device. However, before you learn the importance of having good phone protection, you must first understand the risks. Common Wireless Risks There are…