If your holiday wish for yourself or your New Year’s resolution is to find or change jobs, you’ll want to brush up on some of the interview questions you’re likely to encounter. Beacon Resources is here to help you pave the way to career success and ensure you’re well-prepared for any questions interviewers throw at you to see how good of a candidate you truly are.
“Tell Me About Yourself”
This question is as common on dates as it is for interviews. But unlike dates, employment agencies and employers are asking this question to learn more about you as a professional. Explain your education background (if you have one), why you chose your profession or industry, where you hope to go in your career and just a few of your hobbies and interests to show you’re a well-rounded individual.
“Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?”
Companies and recruiters in Orange County alike enjoy working with people with direction in their lives. Knowing where you want to take your career lets companies know the direction you have for yourself and the capacity you’re likely to fill in the company. While the question is aimed at you specifically, you also involve the company in your answer. How do they fit into your five-year plan?
“What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?”
Rather than rattling off strengths like a bullet list, consider offering up specific examples of your strengths that include the problem, action and final result. In regards to mentioning your weaknesses, be honest without offering up cliched responses. Also, throw in something about how you hope working with the company with help you uncover new strengths and work on your weaknesses.
These are just a few of the most common questions you’re likely to encounter in 2018. For more, as well as tips on how to respond to those questions, reach out to Beacon Resources.
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